Connect a Payment Account
Ensure a payment account is set up prior to the linkage. Find out more here.
Note that only Stripe and BBMS accounts can handle recurring donations.
Step 1: Navigate to the "Payment Options" section
Go to the 'Payment Options' section.
Click on 'Add payment account'.
Step 2: Select your Desired Payment Account
On the appearing sidebar, choose your desired payment account
Step 3: Configure the Amount Settings
Choose the desired amount settings for one-time and monthly gifts.
Designating a Fund
Step 1: Navigate to the "Fund Designation" section
Go to the "Fund Designation" section.
Look for 'Fund options'.
Step 2: Pick the funds
Select the funds you want to be associated with the campaign
Step 3: Configure the fund designation options
Allow donors the option to donate to multiple funds: enabling them to contribute to several of the defined funds.
Allow donors the flexibility to select from other funds.
This means they can contribute to funds not listed under "Fund options".
Choose if donors should be allowed to specify a fund name if the desired one isn't available. See how it works.