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Syncing Solicit Codes between Almabase and Raiser's Edge

Let's understand how solicit codes on Raiser's Edge affect email communication through Almabase.

Tawheed Masoodi avatar
Written by Tawheed Masoodi
Updated over 11 months ago

Solicit codes are used on RE to capture the constituent's specific contact rules. Almabase pulls these directly from RE and captures them on constituents' records set on the platform.

Does Almabase control the email communications sent from the platform based on these codes pulled from RE?

Yes, it does. However, Almabase uses only one solicit code of the list you have on RE to determine whether bulk communications from the platform should be sent to the user.

Which solicit code is considered by Almabase? Can it be configured?

  • Yes, it can be configured. Under Database settings, set up the below fields and click on Save Email Preference.

  • The solicit code you set up here determines if the bulk communication goes to the users who have or do not have the mentioned solicit code.​

These fields on Database settings are optional. It is okay not to set them.

Opt-In Solicit Code: These codes are like a green signal. Constituents with opt-in codes on their RE records can receive emails from Almabase. It's exclusive – no opt-in code, no email.

Opt-Out Solicit Code: These function as a stop sign. Any constituent record carrying an opt-out code is automatically excluded from bulk emails via Almabase.

Flexibility is a key feature here; there's no rigid association between a solicit code and its type. You could designate a code like "Do Not Email" as an opt-out code, ensuring that tagged constituents stay off your mailing list.

Can I select more than one solicit code here? I have more than one solicit code that determines email preference.

No. Only one code can be set here. If you have more than one solicit code that needs to be considered before sending out emails, then you need to unsubscribe them after you pull them from RE to Almabase. Here's an article on how to unsubscribe users.

We do not use Solicit codes to set email communication preferences. We use a separate field on RE. What can we do in that case?

As of today, Almabase cannot set email preferences based on any other field on RE. However, you can pull that field into Almabase from RE and then unsubscribe users accordingly.

When the solicit code on Almabase or RE is updated does it sync to the respective systems automatically?

  • When the solicit code is updated on RE, it automatically updates Almabase.

  • When the solicit code is updated on Almabase, it is flagged for review. You can see it in the Data Inbox to take the required action.

  • This rule is set by default and cannot be changed. Also, this behavior is specifically for Solicit codes. For other fields, the sync works based on the sync rule set on the platform.

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